Sunday, November 26, 2006

Like father like son

Do I look like my father? Both of us luv to sleep.

Grandparents and parents

Here are my maternal grandparents on the left and my paternal grandparents on the right. Check out my dad's hair. Looks like he needs to get it combed. I wonder if my hair will be like that.

1st month

At 4kg, I celebrated my 1st month on 26th Nov,Sunday. It was a lunch celebration held at my paternal grandparents house. I was awake the whole time from 10am-4pm as I luv parties. This was the outfit that I wore. Everyone was so impressed as I didnt cry once. I was only grumpy towards my mom.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


My first Ang Bao packet. I know how important money is as see how tightly I am holding onto it? I'm wondering if it is good to eat?


Saying goodbye to my nanny Aunty Gek. She looked after my mom and I for 23 days. She had to put up with all my nonsense all day and night. I was sad when she left hence the grumpy look on my face.

Ate too much

Here's what happens after you eat too much-pengsan (faint)

Baby carrier

Help! Looks like I'm going to be given away and left on someone's door as I have been very naughty. My mom placed me in the carrier and strapped me in so I can't run away. Where is everyone?

Paternal grandparents

Here I am on my 1st outing to my granduncle's house for my great grandfather's birthday. I am 3 weeks old. My paternal granddad finally carried me and I didnt wriggle out of his arms.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Caught in the act

Oh no I was caught in the act of trying to sneak out of the house. Maybe I should have dressed in black instead of white.


Everytime I go out, I get dressed up by my family and look so ridiculous. The only person I can complain to is my yellow duck.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Good life

Aint life great? Here I am enjoying a massage. Never too early to start I think

Friday, November 10, 2006


I'm now 2weeks old and I'm growing. My parents measure my growth against a green worm given by my Aunty Liane. I'm now 2.9kg. Still along way more to go.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Blue suede socks

I like my blue socks that help to keep my feet warm. It has a face of a cute blue animal. They must be the smallest pair of socks. Not many things stay on me as they are normally too big.

Bath time

I seem to like bath time. A water baby? My legs are so skinny, it's embarrassing.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My Parents

It's a bad photo but its the only one I have taken with my parents. I thought that I should introduce them. This was taken on my day's birthday. I was supposed to be born a day after his birthday on the 8th. I was too eager to see the world so I came out on 28th Oct.

Hear no evil

Sometimes I find the world too noisy so I have my own way of dealing with it. This is useful as well when I don't want to hear the silly names that people keep calling me. Life can be tough as a baby.


This was taken the 2nd day after I was born. I woke up my mom a few times at night as I was thirsty. After she took a look at my face, she added another nickname to my name blob- Smurf. I wonder why?

My first picture (please offer my father a new camera)

hello everybody, so I just showed up unannounced 10 days ago and I hope I get a name soon because for the moment everyone is calling me SMURF or BLOB. I weighed in at 2.5 kg and 46 cm at birth and my mother and I are doing very well. talk to you soon , I got to get my eleventh feed.
